First let me throw in the disclaimer "I AM NOT A DOCTOR" I am a MOM. A MOM that is sick of laundry and washing things covered in dermoplast, hydro cortisone cream and bug spray. Here is what you'll need to fix a "bad bite" and reduce yucky laundry items.
Step 1:Apply hydro cortisone cream to bite area
Step 2: carefully lay ALWAYS dri liner (or any other pad you have available) onto bite area, make sure it is STICKY SIDE UP!
Step 3: Using ace wrap, wrap bite site and secure ace wrap.
when Oakley asked what kind of band aid this was, I had to think a minute before naming it the "special pad wrap".
Wow. Let me know if Brandon gets a bite and you can borrow some of my jumbo hospital pads.
It's a good thing you've learned to be so resourceful in these trying economic times. :)
(Before you know it, Oakley will know the proper use for those pads. Is that scary or what?)
hahaha. I love it. That is the best wrap i have ever seen. I am going to have to take first aid lessons from you. lol
That is ingenious. I think you should teach that in your ward super Saturday!
Your so the pad idea LOL
You are HILARIOUS!! What a great idea---I can never find band aids large enough for the things that the husband does to himself...wonder if he would go for this..haha!!
Ummm...maybe don't let him tell his friends about the special pad wrap...should probably keep that one to himself! Ingenious!! And just think...only about 10 more years of recitals to go!!
Poor Oakley I am a mosquito magnet too and they are bad by your house. I am coming over next time I get a big one.
You are too learn with kids..what ever will work!!
That is funny. I hope Oakley is feeling better.
I KNEW those pads had to be good for something...You crack me up.
Yep, I'm your blog stalker today! It's just Kristin from Primary or PTA or (insert any place we've run into each other). You should put that stuff in your 72 hr. kit for double usage!
LOL!!! Still LOL!! You really are the funniest! And I'm so glad you are back! I love the pics of Oakley dancing and Bridger looks so OLD!! Glad your back!
I love that she is sitting on the toilet during the medical procedure. That's classic and so ingenius.!
Love it :) Good thing she isn't a 14 yr old boy.
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